Invited lectures, participation in panels, project reviews
Contribution to Panel Education on standards for sustainable development, UNECE WP6 on Regulatory cooperation and standardization policies, 21 Nov. 2019, Geneva
(Photo made by Ray Walshe, DCU)
Contributor to – but not able to attend – International standardization research – the Academic Roundtable of the World Standards Cooperation 2018 in Hangzhou (China), 6 – 8 November 2018 (organized by Reinhard Weissinger, ISO, and Henk de Vries, RSM, Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Panel member at ETSI conference ‘Boosting ICT Business and Innovation: A Comprehensive Approach to Standardization Education in Europe‘, Sophia Antipolis, France, 4-5 October 2018.
Session chair Round Table on ‘Future Needs in Standardisation Research’ and ad hoc session chair ‘Education about Standardisation’; 23rd EURAS conference ‘Standards for a smarter future’, 13-15 June, 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
Member round table debate at Association Internationale de Management Strategique (AIMS), chair: prof. Anne Mione, 6 June 2018, University of Montpellier, France.
Lecturer on Standardization as a Regulatory Modality: Standards Workings & Impact on Innovation; for Master of Law and Technology Program, Course on ‘Regulation: Ethics, Acceptance, Legitimacy’ (coordinated by Dr. Robin Pierce), Tilburg Institute of Law and Technology, University of Tilburg, September 11, 2017
Keynote speaker On technology choice in standardization: Implications for patent valuation at 4th international conference on Computing and Solutions in Manufacturing Engineering – CoSME’16, November 3-4, 2016, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Invited speaker at 12th International Conference ‘Standardization, Protypes and Quality: A means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration’, 22-24 October 2015, Kocaeli University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Izmit/Kocaeli, Turkey
(c) Elaine Baskin
Keynote speaker at 1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging (ICAI), 17-19 June 2015, Tokyo, Japan
Invited lecture on ‘Standards and Flexible Infrastructures’ at Linköping University, Sweden, 2 December 2014
Invited speaker on ‘Inverse Infrastructures’ for Webinar Urban Resilience, 28 Nov. 2014
Invited discussant to opening keynote Sarah Cornell, Stockholm Resilience Centre, on Quality infrastructure of the Planetary boundaries, UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies, 24 November 2014
Invited speaker on Games for Education at the UNECE Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies, Geneva, 20 November 2013
Invited speaker with Arda Gerkens (initiator parliamentary motion Gerkens c.s.) on ‘Het meten van de baten van open standaarden: de motie Gerkens, het rekenkamerrapport en verder’, Open iOverheid, 10 jan. 2013
Invited feedback by Dutch Council of Audit on its report about the benefits of Open Standards and Open Source Software for public IT procurement (Febr. 2012)
Invited speaker at Workshop Development of education about standardisation for developing countries, 6 – 8 December 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on using games in education
(c) Swedish Competition Authority
Invited speaker at Seminar Pros and Cons of Standard Setting organised by the Swedish Competition Authority, November 12 2010, Stockholm, on the implications of competing standards
Reviewer of project ‘Open Normalisatie: Acties om de betrokkenheid van zwakke marktpartijen bij normalisatie te vergroten’, NEN/ Erasmus Universiteit, June 2010
Panel member of the European Commission workshop on ICT Standards Education, November 18 2009, Brussels
Member closing panel ‘The social dynamics of standardisation’, EGOS conference, Barcelona, Spain, 4 July 2009
Panel member ‘Research, Standardisation and Innovation’, EURAS, Cergy Pontoise, France, 23 June 2009
Panel member ‘Turning green talk into green action’ at ‘A green government for a green society’ conference organized by Dutch Ministry of Interior Affairs, The Hague, Netherlands, 13 November 2009
Invited speaker ‘The State of Standards Education in Europe‘ at ICES Workshop, Tokyo, 23-24 March 2009.
Invited speaker ‘Concurrentiekracht’ conference, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (VenW Internationaal), 23 October 2008, Scheveningen, working group ‘Knowledge and Innovation’ (on standards and flexible infrastructures)
Invited speaker at Sustainability workshop of the Dutch Women’s Council, 29 May 2008, Utrecht (‘Environmental Aspects of ICT’)
Invited speaker at International Cooperation for Education about Standardization (ICES) workshop, 21-22 February 2008, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, USA
Invited speaker at NELO (Dutch ETSI Members), The Hague, 1 June 2007 (on the results of the project on EU ICT standardization policy)
Invited speaker at NEN standards committee 381034, Delft, 9 July 2007 (‘Pragmatic standardisation’)
Invited speaker at Workshop ‘Bargaining Norms-Arguing Standards’, Stichting Toekomstbeeld der Techniek, 28-29 June 2007, Universiteitsmuseum Utrecht, Netherlands. (‘Mapping the field of standardisation theories: An umbilical approach’)
Invited speaker at Balkan Conference on ‘Standardization and Related Activities, A Means of Balkan Countries’ Collaboration’, Thessaloniki, May 8-10 1997 (on ‘European Academy for Standardization’)
Invited speaker at workshop Ordering systems, 7-8 December 2006, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (‘Exploring forms of (un)intentional and (in)voluntary coordination’)
Invited speaker at US National Science Foundation workshop ‘History and Theory of Infrastructure: Lessons for New Scientific Cyberinfrastructures’, Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 28- October 1 2006. (‘Standards and the design of flexible infrastructures’)
Invited speaker at CONTEC seminar 6 april 2006, Technical University of Eindhoven (‘The role of standardized gateways in sustainable infrastructure transitions’)
Invited speaker at Expert meeting on The Future of Global Education in Standards, Tokyo, Japan, February 6-8. (‘EURAS: Education on Standardisation’ and ‘IEC Lecture Series II’)
Invited presentation for ISO/IEC secretariate, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 Febr. 2005 (‘Scale of Standards Change in JTC1’)
Invited speaker at Conference ‘Impacts of Standards?! – New Insights’, 27 May 2005, ETSI, Sophia Antipolis, France (‘Standards Dynamics’)
Invited speaker at Welt aus dem Container: Workshop zur Macht der Containerisierung, Volksbuehne im Prater, Berlin, Germany, 18-19 June 2005 (‘Standards and Flexibility – the ISO Container’)
Invited input for Future Directions, ISO/IEC SC22 meeting, Mont-Tremblant, Canada, 29 September 2005
Invited presentation at workshop Dynamics of e-Business Standardisation, 3 November 2005, University of Edinburg, UK (‘Dynamics of Standards’)
Panel member ‘Free/Open Standards’, Wizards of OS 3. The Future of the Digital Commons, 10-12 June 2004, Berlin, Germany
Invited speaker at EU-Asia Link meeting, 17 August 2004, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Hamburg, Germany
Invited speaker at workshop Towards an Impact Assessment of Standards, 25 November 2004, CEN Management Centre, Brussels, Belgium (‘Dynamics of Standards’)
Invited participant roundtable conference IT Standards in the Public Interest, Cotswold Conference Center, UK, 8-10 December 2003
Participant roundtable The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, Dutch Section, May 2002, Rotterdam
(c) FLOSS workshop
Participant FLOSS workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 14 October 2002
Reviewer of EU project Impact of Standards, 2001, Ireland
[earlier roles not systematically administered and therefore not included]
Interviews with and reviews of work done by Tineke Egyedi
Reviews of the book Inverse Infrastructures: Disrupting Networks from Below (Egyedi & Mehos, Eds., 2012) by
- Ashley Carse,Technology & Culture, April 2015, Vol. 56, pp. 570-572.
- Stéphane Straub, Journal of Regional Science, 53, pp. 206–209 (12 Febr. 2013)
- Andrew Richard Schrock, Communications & Strategies, 88, 2012, pp. 153-155
- Two spoken book reviews by the discussants Floortje Alkemade and Peter van den Besselaar at the WTMC Annual Meeting 13 -14 December 2012, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam
Interviews by
- Maël Brunet for ‘Meet the fellows’, Open Forum Academy, September 2015
- Mariann Unterluggauer for Wenn sich die Regeln ändern on national Austrian radio in 2012, as were e.g. Carl Cargill and Stephan Gauch (German)
- Tomas van Dijk, Setting standards, Delta, 43 (15), 11 mei 2011 (Dutch)
- Julia King, Technology Focus, August/September 2010, IEC
- Arno Schrauwers, ‘Normering is oorlog’, Het Interview, De Ingenieur, 15 februari 2002, pp. 40-43 (Dutch)
- Joost Panhuysen, ‘Standaardiseren of niet. TBM-onderzoekster analyseert de worsteling van Sun’, Delta, 33 /32, 2001 (Dutch)
- René Didde, ‘Snelle-jongensmentaliteit wint het van standaardnorm: Normalisatie van netwerkcommunicatie’, Delta, 1996 (Dutch)
Responses by the press to a chapter written with Bert Enserink for De transformerende kracht van ICT edited by Corien Prins, Anton Vedder and Frans van der Zee (published by Media Update December 2012, Dutch) in which we criticize the Dutch Court of Audit’s response to the Parliament’s question on the benefits of open standards for e-government, and propose a framework for systematically measuring these benefits: e.g. from Gijs Hillenius in Joinup (English); from Richard Keijzer in AutomatiseringGids (Dutch) and from Johannes van Bentum in Computable (Dutch). It was discussed by members of the Dutch parliament at an Open iOverheid conference session (January 2013, Groningen; organizer Mathieu Paapst). For the English version see ‘Measuring the Benefits of Open Standards: A Contribution to Dutch Politics’ in: The Value of Open Standards, Standards Today – A Journal of News, Ideas and Analysis, July 2013, Vol XII No 1.
Responses to the serious game Setting Standards developed i.c.w. Arjan Widlak and Jorrit de Jong (United Knowledge):
- see testimonials
- article by Erik Puskar, ‘A Game About Standards – Lessons Learned While Playing a Game Applicable in Real Life’, ASTM Standardization News, Sept./Oct. 2012, p.16
- Use of the game by NIST and ANSI (American National Standards lnstitute) in conjunction with World Standards Week, Oct. 12 2012, Newseum, Washington D.C.
Press about ‘To select or not? Dealing with Competing Standards in Public IT Procurement’, e.g.
- Gijs Hillenius in Joinup, January 6 2012 (Researcher: Governments should choose between equivalent IT standards) and January 19 2012 (Standardisation specialist recommends that Governments should choose between equivalent IT standards)
- ‘Algemeen belang vergt dat overheden deelnemen aan standaardisering’, MediaUpdate 2265, 9 januari 2012, 18e jaargang (Dutch)
Article on the meeting between TUD-wide academics working on standardization and high-level CNIS delegation: Chinese delegation of CNIS visits TUD standards meeting, TU Nieuws, 17 mei 2011
Article by Jan Stedehouder, Ada Lovelace Day 2010: Tineke Egyedi, March 24 2010, Ruminations on the Digital Realm
Article on organized public seminar ‘The war between ODF en OOXML: News from the standardization front‘ by Gijs Hillenius, Lange weg te gaan voor OOXML, Automatiserings Gids, 21 maart 2008, p.6 (Dutch)
Articles on the ICES2008 workshop organized in Delft:
- Henk J. de Vries (2007). Normalisation et éducation. Enjeux, 280, 56-59 (French)
- Henk J. de Vries and Tineke M. Egyedi (2007). Lessons from Asia – bridging the gap between theory and practice. ISO Focus, 4/11, 25-27
Article by Sangin Park about the SIIT2003 conference organized in Delft: Some retrospective thoughts from an Economist. 3rd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, TPM Quarterly, II/1, 15-02-2004, p.10.
Article by Taavi Valdlo on the EURAS2001 workshop, ‘Euroopa Standardiakadeemia Seminar’, EVS Teataja, 8, 9/2001, 6-7, EESTI Standardikeskus (Estonian)
Book reviews of Social Learning Technologies: The introduction of multimedia in education (Van Lieshout, Egyedi and Bijker, 2001, Eds) by e.g.
- Jonathan Foster (Information Research)
- Vanna Motta (System, 31/2, 2003, pp. 303-305)
Book review by Ken Krechmer of Shaping Standardization – A study of standards processes and standards policies in the field of telematic services, 2000