September 2017 the Handbook of Innovation and Standards edited by Richard Hawkins, Knut Blind and Robert Page, was published by Edward Elgar. Contributing authors: P. Ballon, R. Bekkers, K. Blind, C.F. Cargill, H.J. de Vries, S. Delaere, A. Delemarle, T.M. Egyedi, C. Frankel, J.-P. Galland, R. Hawkins, J. Hudson, E.J. Iversen, K. Jakobs, M. King, R. Lambert, C. Montalvo, J.R. Ortt, M. Orviska, R. Page, M. Punter, C. Righi, T. Simcoe, W.E. Steinmueller, C. Stolwijk, G.M.P. Swann, G. Tassey, P. Temple, P.M. Wiegmann. One of the chapters, Towards a functional classification of standards for innovation research., was written by Tineke Egyedi and Roland Ortt. Professor Henk de Vries, president of the European Academy for Standardization, writes in an email “I had the privilege of already reading a preliminary version of the chapter by Tineke Egyedi & Roland Ortt – a superior contribution to the field of standardisation research.”